Monday 22 December 2008

Big Scary Santa!

Alert! There is a big scary man dressed in a red suit lurking around the suburbs at the moment. I refused to sit on his knee and even when mummy came too I was pretty wary of him. The second photo was taken just after he patted my shoulder - I couldn't get out of there fast enough!

Sunday 30 November 2008

Scootin' Around

Even though I'm up and running I still like to scoot around on my bike sometimes

Sunday 23 November 2008

Saturday 22 November 2008

We've Branched Out!

For those of you who didn't already know, mummy & daddy have gone out on a limb and bought a new truck and chipper for the business. We took delivery of the chipper yesterday and daddy couldn't be more excited! The only thing left to do is paint the truck's high sides and put signage on. We've definitely turned over a new leaf. Exciting times!

Monday 17 November 2008

Our Fun Game

Are you ready for our game mummy?

First, I give you a look like this.....

Then I laugh my head off!

Then I give you another funny look....

Then I laugh my head off again! Hours of fun!

Monday 27 October 2008

Feeding the Duckies

We had such a lovely day!

Wednesday 22 October 2008

More From Mooloolaba

Checking out the lay of the land with Jimmy.
I want some more of whatever she's got!

Perhaps I'll catch some yabbies.....
Go away mummy! I'm trying to think about yabbies!
Cool! Daddy caught a fish. Get it out so I can play with it!
No noooo! Put it baaaack!
Okay good, daddy threw it to the pelican.
Enjoying my breakfast out on the pontoon.

Then looking for fishies with daddy.

I'll throw in a line and show them all how it's done!

We went to check out a potential wedding venue for Lisa & Jimmy and I got this delicious ice-cream.
What a messy boy!

Friday 10 October 2008

Big Baby Blues

My friend Nickolas came over to play today and mum got this photo when we were outside playing. Mum finally got her wonderful birthday camera from daddy so she's taking lots of photos!

Wednesday 8 October 2008

Attention Grandad & Sue!

I'm using your eggman for his intended use (rather than the babycinos daddy serves to me in him)

Trip to Mooloolaba

Our little family went up to stay at Lisa's house at Mooloolaba with Lisa and Jimmy on the weekend. I had a lovely time helping daddy fish and exploring a new house! I went for a swim with daddy too, but it's best not to revisit that experience. Let's just say mum is starting my swimming lessons again this term and hopefully soon I wont get hysterically upset when I go in the water....shudder.......

Look how big I'm getting!

I found a popper in the esky. Yum!

Poppers are my new favourite thing. How can so much flavour come from one little box?

Helping mummy and daddy fish. Next time we're buying me a baby lifejacket. Mummy and daddy were so nervous that I might slip off the pontoon!

Thursday 2 October 2008

Walking with Ruggie

I am so highly skilled at walking now that I can do it with my ruggie in my mouth. I don't ever trip over it!

A Fun Afternoon!

Nickolas, my friend from the gym, came over a couple of Fridays ago. We had a great time rearranging all my toys out of the playpen into the living room! In the top photo I'm having a bit of a sulk because I'm not used to other kids taking my precious things off me (like my ruggie that I'm hugging to my chest). Nickolas, on the other hand, has a big brother so thought it was very funny to try.

Saturday 13 September 2008

Present for Daddy

Here I am, getting in touch with my artistic side, painting a canvas for my daddy. It was one of my Father's Day pressies for him.

And here's the finished masterpiece!

Thursday 11 September 2008

Cute like a Kewpie Doll

Don't try to tell me you wouldn't buy me at the fair!

Sunday 7 September 2008

Keeping In Touch

"Hey babe, so about Saturday - did you want to......wait a sec......"

"Mum, do you mind? I'm trying to have a private conversation here!"

Monday 1 September 2008

We Have Conquered Walking!

A bit shaky when I step off the concrete onto the grass but look at my proud little face when I realise I've made it!

Thursday 14 August 2008

All in a Day's Work

First I made this mess........

Then had a GREAT time making this mess.......

Then I escaped down the hallway, leaving mummy to clean it all up.

Then I returned to laugh at her cleaning up my mess......

And thought I'd add a few plates to it. All in a day's work for me and mummy. Lucky she loves me very very much!