Saturday 30 July 2011

Sleeping on Daddy

It's so rare for Charlie to fall asleep on anyone that we had to take a photo of this! Fast asleep on his Daddy.

Ben, on the other hand, has a long history of falling asleep on Andy. Here he is smiling for the camera all snuggled up......

....and here he is 5 minutes later fast asleep. What a gorgeous pile of boys!

Fast asleep in front of 'Harry Hotter' (Harry Potter)! Ben really wanted to watch it but his big day caught up with him.

Big Catch Up Part 4

Here we are with the May catch up photos - the photos of Ben's birthday party will get their own entry (sometime soon - my eyes are drooping!)

Charlie loves the digger and the trailer so much - he makes a break for the front yard as often as he can and he just stands and plays with it! Here he is playing with the trailer in the night.......

....and in the pouring rain! Nothing stops Chops playing with the trailer!

Like father like son - Ben asked for steak and tomato sauce for breakfast!

It's been a bit chilly here in Brisbane! Charlie is all rugged up in his warm jacket.

Mum! Can I please have more breakfast? I'm still hungry!

Big Catch Up Part 3

Big Catch Up Part 3 brings us to April! Our boys are growing up bigger and more beautiful each day. The boys both love the digger, but Charlie loves it the most. He could happily spend half an hour or so outside just sitting on the digger pretending to turn the wheel!

Our new chicks - Ben insisted on saying good morning and good night to them each day.

Aunty Jenny came to visit and we didn't even let her get past the couch before we made her read us a book (or seven!)

Mummy looked after my mate Josh for the afternoon. Here we are at feeding time!

Chops' favourite sleeping position - the air-bum!