Wednesday 14 April 2010

Mama Snuggles

Snuggles with mama on discharge day

Hospital was all about snoozing!

I liked snoozing in the day time....
I liked snoozing in the night time.....

Sometimes I would wake up!
But before you knew it.......

I'd be back to snoozing!

Friday 9 April 2010

First Bath

My first bath, I was quite happy when I was in the warm water but it was brutal being pulled out into the cold air! Too bright and way too cold for my liking!

A Pile of Boys

Mummy's three men - have you ever seen a pile of better lookin' boys??

Hello Ben!

Meeting my big brother Ben for the first time. Lots of lovely kisses!

Charlie's Arrival - Feb 17th, 2010; 9.41

Waiting in pre-op to be told we're going to meet our baby!

They drop the curtain to let mama see her new baby - this is her first glimpse of Charlie!

Good set of lungs, right from the start!

A comforting finger hold with daddy

Safe and sound on mama's chest